
electronic Dermatology Life Quality Index




Efficiently use the DLQI

What is the eDLQI?

The eDLQI is a simple 10-item questionnaire that dermatologists use to assess the impact of a skin condition on quality of life. The DLQI is the most commonly used instrument for this purpose in dermatology.


The eDLQI provides information about the change in quality of life throughout therapy. It is a useful tool to assess the success of treatment.


Validation of questionnaire

paper version: yes            digital version: yes

How to use the eDLQI

The eDLQI is available for adults, children, and adolescents (CDLQI) as well as infants (IDQOL). The ten questions each target activities of daily living, clothing, leisure, work and school, personal relationships and the treatment itself.


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Meaning of DLQI Scores
0-1 = no effect at all on quality of life
2-5 = small effect on quality of life
6-10 = moderate effect on quality of life
11-20 = very large effect on quality of life
21-30 = extremely large effect on quality of life


The importance of measuring dermatology-related quality of life

The impact of dermatological conditions on a patient's quality of life (QoL) is of great importance. QoL assessment provides a patient orientated assessment of the impact of skin disease and treatment.


The DLQI can be used for classifying the severity of different skin conditions, for example, studies have found that atopic eczema, psoriasis and generalized pruritus have a greater impact on quality of life than acne, basal cell carcinomas and viral warts.The use of the eDLQI tool with ten questions enables a more thorough diagnosis, and a more targeted solution to identified problems. By deriving therapy targets, medical treatment can be accelerated and improved for patient benefit.


eDLQI also enables patients to express personal issues regarding their disease and treatment, which supports shared decision-making and contributes to the desired patient-centred healthcare.



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eDLQI is easy to understand and can be simply handed to the patient who is asked to fill it in without the need for detailed explanation.

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Save time with our online tool. Anyone can quickly fill out the form and get their eDLQI score without doing any calculations.

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eDLQI enables the physician to make informed treatment decisions based on patient needs.

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The eDermCLCI-r and eDermCLCI-p are available in different languages. The use in the respective first language reduces language barriers and supports the understanding between physician and patient.

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The eDLQI can be used to monitor the change in quality of life over the course of treatment.

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With DermaValue, your eDLQI is always just a few clicks away. The application is available for PCs, tablets, smartphones, and other devices.

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Results from the eDLQI provide a patient-orientated analysis of the impact of skin disease management and treatment.

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Studies have shown the DLQI tool to be a reliable and valid indicator of dermatology related quality of life.

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Take care of the environment and save your patient data on the online platform or as PDF files for yourself and your physicians.


Validation study:

Finlay AY, Khan GK. Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI)--a simple practical measure for routine clinical use. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1994 May;19(3):210-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2230.1994.tb01167.x . PMID: 8033378 .


Hongbo Y, Thomas CL, Harrison MA, Salek MS, Finlay AY. Translating the science of quality of life into practice: What do dermatology life quality index scores mean? J Invest Dermatol. 2005 Oct;125(4):659-64. doi: 10.1111/j.0022-202X.2005.23621.x .


Minimal clinically important difference (MCID)
Basra MK, Salek MS, Camilleri L, Sturkey R, Finlay AY. Determining the minimal clinically important difference and responsiveness of the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI): further data. Dermatology. 2015;230(1):27-33. doi: 10.1159/000365390 .

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